What Is SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Many times you have heard about SEO or Search engine Optimization. Also, many of you just consider SEO as increasing either website traffic or optimizing your website, or ranking the website in Google. Although SEO is a broader process that includes many activities.
In this article, we will understand what is Search Engine optimization in detail and what all activities are followed in order to rank the website higher in search results.
Search Engine Optimization is a method to gain traffic on a website through different activities. SEO is performed in two ways –
- On-page SEO
- Off-page SEO
- ON Page SEO
As the name suggests On-page SEO is an optimization method that is done on the website. As an example, you have a website that needs to rank higher in major search engines for a particular keyword. The website design is based on PHP platform or WordPress.
Therefore; you will go to the backend of the website in order to enhance the website and its internal pages as per the rules and regulations of Google. Google has set few algorithms in order to raise rankings of a particular website. Same way yahoo search or bing search has its own set of rules that need to follow by a website in order to gain the best results in search engines.
2. OFF Page SEO
Off page SEO is something which you perform apart from your website. These includes social media marketing advertising link builidng and so on… We will cover off page seo methods in details in some other blog post
What are the best ways to optimize your website through on-page SEO
- Domain Name
Domain names play an important role in optimization. If you are selling only products related to cricket and you have a domain name as xyzsports.com then it may not sound SEO friendly instead if you have the domain name xyzcrickethub.com then it is very specific to cricket accessories.
Although; if you have your domain name different based on your company name then you may need to concentrate on other on-page areas to optimize. Before you create your website name you must search for a good domain that consists of higher searches. This will enhance your rankings quickly in major search engines.
- User-friendly URL
A user-friendly URL is another important part that tells the search engines what the topic or content is all about. As an example if you have content on different kinds of cricket bat and your URL is xyzcrickethub.com/blog/23/05/2021 then it would now show search engines what the topic is about instead if your URL’s are search engine friendly such as zyxcrickethub.com/blog/different-kinds-of-cricket-bat this will bring more understanding on keywords and bat which can help you with fast ranking in search engines.
- Title tags
The title is the third thing that is scanned by search engines. A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a website page. Title tags are displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result and are important factors for usability, SEO, and social sharing.
The title tag of a web page is meant to be an accurate and concise description of a page’s content. The title plays a very important role in order to gain the first click from the user. Even if you are raking on the first page and if your title is dull then the reader may not click on your website.
- Some of the examples of eye-catchy titles
Normal title – How Cricket bat is made
Eye Catchy title – 10 problems faced in making your Favorite Cricket bat
One needs to make sure while creating titles – keywords are covered properly. Therefore a list of keywords that can be targeted while making the title tags is important to boost the rankings
- Content
You might have always heard that Content is King for the website and for search engines. Creating powerful content that provides complete information about the products or topics you are covering is important. Ensure that your content is readable and error-free from grammar. Further, the deeper you cover your content the more information and time you gain from the visitor.
- Interlinking
Interlinking is nothing but creating links for the reader for related content. This ensures your bounce rates are reduced and visitors stay for a longer period understanding your business and website. Make sure you use interlinking of your content with related articles while preparing the content an example of interlinking is as follows
- Page Speed
The page speed of the website and loading play another important role in search engine optimization. If your website consists of bad and unnecessary plug-in or code then you may face issues of loading your website quickly. This in turn will increase the bounce rate as no visitor want to say watching your loading screen. You can easily check your website speed from this link
- Images
What you see is what you believe. With a Search engine, it is what you show is what people will believe. Images are one of the key areas that require on page optimization. Every image should clearly define what it says.
For example, if you are showing a computer mouse and you have titled it “mouse” then you are not clearly defining the images. The title should say “computer mouse” or “Black computer Mouse” or “Dell computer mouse model number 12345”
Similarly, for all images, alt tags should be used so that search engines should know what the image is all about.
- Defining Headings
As we mentioned the importance of title tags there are various headings such as Heading 1…. Heading 2….. Heading 3…. Heading 4… which should properly define the article. Heading 1 is always used for the title but using Heading 2 and 3 can help the search engines understand the flow of the article.
- Meta description
In earlier days meta description played an important role but nowadays meta description doesn’t play that much importance. But one needs to keep in mind that the targeted keyword is covered in the paragraph as google or search engines while showcasing the meta description can choose any paragraph of your content in order to improvise your click-through rate. Meta Description is one of the second important parts after the title tag that increases the CTR.
We hope to cover all the above points to ensure the on-page optimization is up to the mark – if you feel that is anything missed feel free to comment or email us at info@niceseoservices.com
To conclude our article On-Page SEO is one of the cheapest methods of enhancing your website traffic if you do everything properly. Make sure not to stuff keywords. All the above methods of On-page SEO will improve your ranking’s click-through rate and traffic thereby gaining more conversion.